Tuesday, August 28, 2007

My internet has been down!

OMG! So have you ever been without email? It is the worst! My Internet has been down for like a week. I can not even tell you how many emails I missed, not to mention writing, looking for work, online shopping. . .the important things...

I will catch you up! I got a job! Yay me! It is writing for a sports show, well a show about sports. I have to go to games and cover them and then someone else will report. It is okay for now, because I love baseball, and both the teams in Los Angeles are decent enough, but as soon as the dreaded, and I mean DREADED basketball kicks in. I will be on the job hunt, AGAIN!

I went on a date with a horrible, nasty, ogre of a man that my friend Sally set me up with. What was she thinking?
Okay, seriously... seriously...seriously...

Here is the deal!!!

I got to the restuarant to meet this guy, and he was outside on his phone smoking! UGH., huge turn off! Then when we sat down, he ordered the waitress around, and he was like...Oh..My..God...soooo rude!!!!
I wanted to do two things: 1) Crawl inside myself and die, and 2) run after her and apologize..
So then she comes and asks us if we want a drink. He orders water and when I asked for a beer, and trust me; I needed one. He told me that a lady doesn't drink. He them proceeded to order us two huge steaks and then reached accross the table and pulled a hair from my head. (I am not lying) and asked if I dyed my hair.

I got up, and walked out and that was that. What a waste and I missed the Closer, and My Boys, both shows that I love. UGH..being single...

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Interview, Sports Show

I have a job interview later! Yippee! Sports show, they need a new writer. I am optimistic about it. I can write about sports. I mean how hard can it be?
I will let ya know! Wish me luck!

Especially because California unemployment hasn't approved me yet, because, (I guess) the way that I lost my job, shagging my boss, doesn't qualify? Whatever!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

"Please don't come back.. EVER!"

So, I decided, after coming home to my favorite pillow destroyed, to take Jack to the dog park. I thought it would be great for him to get to run around and play with other dogs.
Well-joke is on me-he doesn't really like other dogs. Well? He may like them too much, I am not sure. He growled at everyone we met, or barked, or ran around like a nut.
So, we ended up by ourselves on the opposite of the park, were Jack, decided he would work on the landscape of the place. I was sitting reading a book, when some official looking person came up to me yelling at the top of her-Billie Jean Kingesque-lungs. "Is this your dog?" Pointing at Jack like he was a criminal. I was surprised and angry, and I answered with a question. "What has he done?" This she repeated several times, growling actually..."What has he done? What has he done?" I looked around and saw Jack sitting there, satisfied with himself, (I swear he was smiling), and several holes in the ground, with grass and dirt everywhere.
Honestly, I don't know what to big deal was. I mean, he is a dog, dogs dig and this is a dog park?
Nevertheless, we were asked to never return.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

But, I don't even like jeans!

So, since on on "hiatus" from my job, I thought I would give something back to the community and I had just got a thing in the mail, with address labels-which bytheway, I am convinced they send you to guilt you into sending money, asking for a donation, and right now I can't reeeeeally afford to give money out, so I signed up to volunteer at Project Angel Food. They make and deliver meals to people with HIV/AIDS and other serious things like, cancer, etc.

I decided I would work in the kitchen, but having been a waitress in college, I knew that I would get dirty, so I went on the hunt for clothes I could "ruin". I bought a cheap pair of shoes-that I now love-at Payless, and then I found a pair of one hundred dollar jeans at the Discovery Store (not the one with the mechanical dinosaurs, etc..the one for cancer...), for one dollar...or maybe it was five bucks. Anyhow.. dirt cheap...I don't ever wear jeans, because I find them extreeeeeeemely uncomfortable. I never understood what people, my friends, are talking about. "Just throw on some jeans and relax." I can never relax in jeans, they are constricting, they always ride up my butt and I always am uncomfortable in them..so I don't wear them...ever.

But this pair.. Oh. . .My. . .God! I love them.. they are like wearing yoga pants, ,perfect. I have worn them three times already since I bought them. I wear them just to lounge,(Isn't lounge a great word? I love the way it sounds,, I was "lounging" around. Sounds better than hanging out..or whatever.) around and watch TV or what not..I love them....

Today I am going to work in the kitchen and have no idea what I will wear! LOL..figures, finally I get some jeans to ruin and I can't, I just can't, I love them too much. Maybe I will just go get a new pair and wear those...I mean spending money which is so I can volunteer, doesn't really count as spending money, does it?

PS. Jack is crazy! But I love him. ;0)

Monday, August 20, 2007


Happy Monday everyone! Did you have a good weekend?
I have a new roommate! Well, okay, so not so much as a roommate per say, but a new friend. Yesterday I was out shopping, well not really shopping, but after getting bored of sitting around my apartment in my heels, I had to get out. So I went out to get a few things that I needed, and I stumbled across a pet adoption! Right there on the street, in front of my old bank.

I immediately fell in love with this little Jack Russell terrier, 2 years old, and cute as a button. Do you watch the re-runs of Frasier? This dog could have been Eddie! OMG! I have always wanted one, and now that I am home during the day, I figure I can be there to get him used to the place before I start working again.

I named him Jack, since and get this. . He had no name! . . Isn't that the saddest thing you ever heard? They said that he was left at a shelter because he was too destructive, and the people weren't very nice to him. I threw my arms around him and told him that I loved him and would always be nice. Little buddy.

I did have to stretch the truth a bit to the lady who interviewed me. Like I told her that I am a writer (that bit is true), but that I work from home, (which is not true, but at present, I am home all the time), I told her that I have a small yard, (I live on the 4Th floor and there is grass, but no yard...but I was very convincing and told her that I really wanted to take him today), I told her that I had grown up with terriers, and that seemed to make her decision. I don't know what the big deal is, that one on Frasier just sat there until his walk. I can't imagine this guy being a problem and he is just too cute to be destructive. How can a dog so small and so cute hurt anything?

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Shoes Over Food!

I went shopping the other night, about a week ago, with Sally, she needed to get a belt for a wedding she is going to in Sept. Well, I just went along because I was tired of looking for work and waiting by the phone and I had had the week from hell, you know those kinds? Nothing goes right for you?

For example, on Tuesday, I was late for an appointment, well sort of an interview at this Sports Network for a possible writing job, (You know, to get me by until I get back onto a proper series), and I had no gas in my car, of course. . .Does one ever have enough gas when they are in a hurry? Did I mention that it was rush hour? I live in Los Angeles! Okay, so I was getting gas and I accidentally tore my finger nail half way back on my forefinger and just like I never do,(meaning I have never-ever had this happen) I spilled gasoline all over my hand. OUCH! Then I got lost on the way, got stuck behind every stupid person in the Valley and eventually ended up there, late, bleeding finger, sweaty; 'cuz it had to be at the very least 110 degrees out. I did smile and act like 'no biggy'...That was my week...Everyday something like that happened, so when Sally offered up a couple hours of girl talk and shopping. I went.

I left my credit cards home and was completely planning on not getting anything. That was the plan.

Sally insisted that she needed new flats, and I reluctantly went to the shoe department with her. When we arrived I was happy to see they were having a huge sale, so I thought to myself: There is no harm in looking while Sally seeks out her new flats. (Does anyone even where flats anymore?)

I tried on a few pair of heels that in my head I would wear with an adorable ensemble at my new job, wherever that may be. Keep in mind, I had just done an hour of Pilates, 30 min of the Bender Method buns & thigh workout. (Oh. . .My. . .God!) I was in yoga pants, slouchy socks and looked like I had just been through a car wash, without the car!

Then as Sally and I yelled between the isles; she is a 7.5 and I am a 10. I saw them. The,(the with emphasis on the E for effect), I saw thE cutest,gorgeous, stunning, high heel pumps that I had ever seen in my entire life! Dark red, but not too red, glossy, but not cheesy. Five inches of beauty and they had two pairs left, and get this; one pair was a 9.5 and the other was a 10. This was fate, and on sale! I through my old, worn out Asics on the floor and immediately put these on running around to Sally who immediately exclaimed how amazing they made my legs look. I had to get them.

They were $170, down from more than double that. I emptied my Wells Fargo checking account, but they were totally worth it. I therefore haven't been able to afford to buy any food this week. I am still waiting my last check from the studio, but they are holding, some nonsense about me not turning in my ID and parking pass. Are they crazy? I can't give those up. What if I have to meet someone for lunch or just want to walk around the lot? Seriously, I am not a criminal, so I don't reeeeeally think it is worth the more than two grand I have coming on my last check. We are in negotiations, I told them that I did hand them in and don't they remember? So, where was I? Oh yeah, groceries. Can't afford them, so I had for breakfast, one Poptart and for dinner a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, but I couldn't afford to buy jelly, I had some old applesauce in the fridge, so I substituted. It wasn't completely horrible. . .okay, so it was.

Sally said that I better wear those shoes everyday whether I get work or not. So I have been cleaning the house in them, writing in them, surfing the net in them, accompanied by sweatpants of course. Oh well, I had to have them, and now I am also losing some weight, so I guess it turned out great! I am off to make a snack. Irish butter and crackers.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Hello. . .

My name is Justine. . .hrmm? That is a bit dull isn't it? Hello I am Justine, 30, fabulous, looking for a smart, sexy, outgoing, fun (but not flirty, well not too flirty, or flirty with me-not-with-over-sexed-female-bartenders is okay, maybe not. . .no flirting), successful, likes baseball (the greatest game in the world, even if the White Sox cheated, the Red Sox were cursed, the Yankees overpaid and the Dodgers in Los Angeles, it is still amazing and you must love it), drinks but not too much, likes all things in film or television, but doesn't take life too seriously, has a sense of humor, must love dogs. . . .NOT MARRIED, recently divorce, have emotional baggage, crazy ex-girlfriends, children, or be a mamma's boy.

I type in the words, but they all sound stupid. I mean come on, why don't I just write something like this?

Justine, gorgeous brunette sick of all the complete wanks I meet at Starbucks, would like to meet Joe Fox(You've Got Mail) & Robby Hart(The Wedding Singer) type, must look and play (you know what I mean, I am no Christian) like Colin Farrell.

Do you think that would work? Or, perhaps, I could just say....no jerks, mean guys, wife beaters, cheaters (oh please), wimps, "nice guys", losers, unemployed or uglies need reply. Maybe that would be too rude.

Why I even signed up for this online dating thing I do not know. It isn't like I have a hard time dating. Secret, I even date celebrities. I do, really, I do..I am the girl that dates celebs, then wonder why my life never goes anywhere with them? Sally, my friend Sally, insisted I do this with her. To be honest, which I always am, she really needs something like this because she is hopeless when it comes to guys.

I click backspace over it all, and shut my laptop. (That was exhausting!) I decide to go out for a bit. And yes, I can do that. I am not working at the moment. In L.A. we like to call this "hiatus", and I am on "hiatus" in the way that the studio fired my butt after the John Carson debacle last season. It really wasn't my fault. He came on to me, and I didn't know that it would lead to more office gossip than I ever imagined. He was hot and so I went for it. (My biggest problem. . .leading my life with my heart, well not my heart, I am not sure what to call it, if I was a man, I would say; with my dick, but I'm not, so I am not sure...What do you think? Well you get the point.) He was the executive producer on the show, which my lawyer says I can't talk about in public, sorry, but I am sure you will read about it, and I was the newest writer on the team and we. . . and I got the ax. Apparently he was married. How was I to know that? Oh yeah, and she is the VP of the studio. Oops!